Thursday, January 9, 2020

Beowulf Book One

January 10, 2020

RL.11-12.3 Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama.

Obj: I can analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of Beowulf.


Free Write Friday

Try to write as much as possible for the next five minutes.
You could write a story, poem, song, vent, etc, and if you are stuck try using the prompt below. 

Related image

Word: Text Structure 
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: refers to how the information within a written text is organized
Your Definition: 
Activity: Watch and listen to the video Five Types of Text Structures
Write down the five text types as you listen.


1.  Beowulf

Discussion Questions
Summarize the section of Beowulf from StudySync. 
How does the author's decisions impact the meaning of the text?
What does it reveal about humanity?

With your partner finish answering the questions from yesterday. 

Think Questions 1-3
Focus Questions 1-2

Eventually, we will share these responses.

Read book one of the graphic novel by Gareth Hinds. 
You must read this in groups of 2-3 people because of the limited number of copies. 

Discussion Questions
What is the purpose of the prologue?
How does the author establish the conflict?
How does the author create the protagonist and antagonist?
Why do you think Hinds chose to include the constellations in the background of the scenes?
Observe the color choices.  What do you think they represent?
Why does the author choose to include paragraphs at the beginning and end book one with just visuals?

3.  One Pager

Individually, create a one pager based on the ideas in book one. 


Summary of book one.
Identify a significant quote and analyze its importance.
Identify an archetype in the text and explain how it is portrayed. 
(Archetype Example for Reference)
Create two visuals to represent key ideas. 
Justify why you chose those images in one sentence for each. 
Answer the question: 
What does the story of Beowulf teach the audience about being human?
Neat and Colorful 


How does the graphic novel compare to the version read yesterday?

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